Lamination Technology

Carbon Fiber used by a Zenelli


Zenelli® produces its products through carbon fiber lamination, a complex and highly specialized process used to produce lightweight and resistant composite materials. This process is essential in various industrial sectors, including aerospace, automotive, marine and sports. The carbon fiber lamination process involves several steps:

Material Preparation: The carbon fiber is cut and arranged in layers according to the specific design of the component to be made. The layers are oriented to optimize the strength and stiffness of the final product.
Resin Application: The carbon fiber layers are impregnated with an epoxy resin that acts as a matrix, binding the fibers together. This step is crucial to ensure the structural cohesion of the composite material.
Forming and Compression: The resin-impregnated layers are placed in a mold that gives the desired shape. Pressure is applied to remove any air bubbles and ensure uniform adhesion.
Curing and Curing: The lamination is heated to activate the resin and harden the material. This process can be done in an autoclave, providing controlled heat and pressure to ensure an optimal result.